Friday, 30 May 2014

Cleaning and Optimizing the PC- Before and After the Software Tools!

I have been using computer for god knows how many years now. I was among the people who were always fascinated with the machines and what they can do for humankind (of course when they don’t want to do that for themselves).

As an early mover to the technology, I was face to face with many issues when it came to continuing the use of the system unhindered. And trust me, it used to be a very tedious job back then. The problem of optimizing the PC seemed to be as bulky as the machines of those times. The situation remained same before the sophisticated tools like PC optimization software made their appearance in the life of the users.

Earlier, everything was to be done manually, which meant hiring computer experts whenever any issue came up. The case was not so only if you belonged to a breed of computer engineer yourself, which was true for many people in older times. Only those people kept the machines who knew a whole lot about them. Others just kept on fascinating until computer became a commonplace object.

I was among the people who bought the machine purely out of curiosity (and I am not ever going to regret for that hefty spending). But I survived by having many good technical friends who knew about computers more than about their own self. They made me learn many nuances, including files and folders that are to be deleted from time to time.

Among those were-

·         Registries
·         Temporary files
·         Unwanted software and their short cuts
·         Unnecessary plug-in and what not
Then, with the internet knocking every system, my friends instructed to locate and delete files, like-
·         Cache
·         Browsing history
·         Downloading history
·         Cookies

My techie buddies told me that doing this keeps my system in great shape.

But those days of manual cleaning are over, thanks to the numerous PC cleaner software brands like WinMD Pro. My only regret (after I started using an optimization tool for my PCs) is that now I have to look for reasons to visit my friends, which I had ready-made without those tools.

In addition to keeping my system clean from everything unwanted, it can perform the following tasks to keep it performing as if new-

·         Speed up your slow PC
·         Repair common PC errors, including registries
·         Optimize memory
·         Backup system data
·         Monitor privacy and security
·         Schedule routine maintenance

If you still don’t have one on your system, I recommend getting one to not to bother yourself from pestering system issues on daily basis!

Friday, 23 May 2014

Clean Up Your Computer from Registry Error

Windows Registry

Have you had many nightmares thinking about cleaning them?

Or you are extremely new to the subject and wonder why your system has slowed down so much?
Well, as an answer to both of the questions, we have just two words: Registry Cleaner.
Let us begin from the beginning.

How registries get created

When you perform any of the following acts (and more like them), Windows registry gets created.

·         Change computer settings
·          Install and uninstall software
·         Surf the Internet
·         Upload and Download files
·         Create and delete files

 In short, registry is your System’s log-keeper. Whatever you do in it, can be found tucked in the registries.

When they start creating problem

As the number of items in the record continues to rise, becoming overwhelming in the process, the system gets slower. The slow response is not noticeable immediately if the user is not a computer-maniac.
Once the problem is noticeable, it is often blamed on the age of the system (which obviously can’t be reduced). The other factor which is blamed for slow system is the presence of malware, taking the issue to altogether wrong direction. Losing the sight of the main issue can cost users both time and money.
So when your system is slow, the very first thing to do is to try optimizing it. For details, read on.

What could be done?

The registries could be trimmed to a bare minimum with the help of many system optimization software products like WinMD Pro with inbuilt PC registry cleaner. They systematically scan, identify, clean and repair problematic registry errors. Such software also have many other tools besides registry cleaner which delete browsing history, cache and cookies, junk files, etc along with the unimportant or unnecessary registries.

Although cleaning registry manually is also possible (which takes a lot of time to do), but users who are not tech-savvy should refrain from trying to do this (even in the supervision of an expert). If the wrong registry gets deleted, it could lead to serious issues (like crashing the system altogether!).

The mere act of running the optimizing software can:

·         Speed up the slow PC
·         Fix the registry errors
·         Clean and optimize them
·         Remove junk created over time
·         Optimize memory
·         Defragments the memory
·         Schedule regular maintenance of PC registry and others
·         Create a backup of registry to restore the settings if a problem arises

You are now as prepared for PC maintenance as anyone can ever be!

Monday, 12 May 2014

Deciding when it is time for a system cleanup?

If you really worry sometimes about when you really need to use an optimization tool in your PC (to as registry / junk / browsing history / temporary files Cleaner) to clean, the following can be of big help.

When the system takes more than usual while:


When you start your system, it frightfully takes more than the routine 2-3 minutes, it is one  of the earliest  signs of the slowness of any system. It could also be due to some of the applications that automatically get launched when a system is started.

Saving files

Having given the ‘Save’ command, when you start doing other works on the system and suddenly realize the system is still trying to save the file you wanted, you definitely know what this means. Right?

Running applications

Day in day out, we are in need of various applications to get our work done on the system. The situation which arises when your application starts hanging without any apparent cause you are hassled if not excessively worried.

Responding to commands

You have given a command and it is apparent that the execution is very slow. You know there is a problem.


Another of the pain points is while downloading an attached file, a document / video / audio / pdf / image from the web, or software application. In case of software, a slow installation can also tell a lot about the current status of your PC.

Updating as the upgraded versions

Have you noticed the notifications that tell you to get the updated version of Windows Software and its apps? Well, if you try to get the updated ones, you are in for a sluggish behavior of system if your system has too many of junk files accrued on its hard drive.

Other signs include:

Long time has passed since the last cleanup

This is a sure sign to get the PC cleaner in action. With time, PCs get tend to have files that lose value over time and are no more needed, neither by the computer nor by the user. Removing them becomes crucial for the system’s health.  

Error Pop-ups

Continuous messages of presence of error are a hindrance as similar as waiting for a command to be executed by the PC. Addressing these messages doesn’t always involve taking the system to the repair system, but getting a good temporary file cleaner.

Blue-Screen errors

The causes of this one error are not well-known to PC users in general, but they know how it can hinder work in process, sometimes even for hours.

Internet issues

A slow browser can be a real concern, which is mainly due to the cache and cookies stored in the system. Routine use of a browsing history cleaner can solve many issues.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

WinMD Pro- What to Look Before Purchase?

Do you want a new software tool for your PC (like WinMD Pro)? If yes, what are your first few thoughts before you actually came into action? Check if they are in the list given below.

Do I actually need it?

Who provides the best?

Does it come for a price, or is available for free?

Should I search for the full version for free?

What are the features of the software that I need most?

Chances are that at some point these questions must have flashed in your mind. Remember the time when your PC started working extremely slow after serving you fine for 3 to 4 years, and the only thing that crossed your mind was getting a PC Optimizer tool. Wasn’t that the time when you faced all or some of the questions mentioned above?

If you were looking for some ways to get the answer of these questions, read on.

Read about the features

Everyone will tell you this. However, the big thing is to read about the features not from the site of the software but from the site of those who have made some kind of comparative study. Here, you would come to know if the Optimization tool you are considering will act as a:

  •          Files Cleaner
  •          Registry Error Remover
  •          Temporary / Junk Files Eraser
  •           App Error Cleaner

Check for the reviews

Do not forget that the real value of product is not provided (by the manufacturer or the company) but found (by the buyers who purchased it first). Thus, a review tells everything which a prospective user might want to know before plunging himself for a purchase.

Check for authenticity

When you are settled for a purchase, don’t escape checking the authenticity of the company. You might end up spending money on a Trojan instead of a Files Cleaner, if you are not careful. Be more on guard if the software is available for free. Downloading and installing it is more severe a threat. Freeware are more in demand and hence more abused by the hackers. These are used to plant malware on the PC of unfortunate people who download without going into the background check.  

Go through T&C before purchase

If you want to be weary of adware, do not forget to read Terms and Conditions of software. Many hidden adware are hidden behind the facade of freeware. T&C would tell you most of what you should be concerned with.

Use trial version before purchasing the full version

The sub-heading tells all. Trial version is a slight peek inside the features allowed for a limited period. You are still free to consider other tools. Comparative analysis making decision making easy!