Friday 30 May 2014

Cleaning and Optimizing the PC- Before and After the Software Tools!

I have been using computer for god knows how many years now. I was among the people who were always fascinated with the machines and what they can do for humankind (of course when they don’t want to do that for themselves).

As an early mover to the technology, I was face to face with many issues when it came to continuing the use of the system unhindered. And trust me, it used to be a very tedious job back then. The problem of optimizing the PC seemed to be as bulky as the machines of those times. The situation remained same before the sophisticated tools like PC optimization software made their appearance in the life of the users.

Earlier, everything was to be done manually, which meant hiring computer experts whenever any issue came up. The case was not so only if you belonged to a breed of computer engineer yourself, which was true for many people in older times. Only those people kept the machines who knew a whole lot about them. Others just kept on fascinating until computer became a commonplace object.

I was among the people who bought the machine purely out of curiosity (and I am not ever going to regret for that hefty spending). But I survived by having many good technical friends who knew about computers more than about their own self. They made me learn many nuances, including files and folders that are to be deleted from time to time.

Among those were-

·         Registries
·         Temporary files
·         Unwanted software and their short cuts
·         Unnecessary plug-in and what not
Then, with the internet knocking every system, my friends instructed to locate and delete files, like-
·         Cache
·         Browsing history
·         Downloading history
·         Cookies

My techie buddies told me that doing this keeps my system in great shape.

But those days of manual cleaning are over, thanks to the numerous PC cleaner software brands like WinMD Pro. My only regret (after I started using an optimization tool for my PCs) is that now I have to look for reasons to visit my friends, which I had ready-made without those tools.

In addition to keeping my system clean from everything unwanted, it can perform the following tasks to keep it performing as if new-

·         Speed up your slow PC
·         Repair common PC errors, including registries
·         Optimize memory
·         Backup system data
·         Monitor privacy and security
·         Schedule routine maintenance

If you still don’t have one on your system, I recommend getting one to not to bother yourself from pestering system issues on daily basis!

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