Monday, 23 June 2014

WinMD Pro Browser Cleaner Software

Got a problem with optimizing your PC and its speed?

Here is a powerful tool which does excellent job as browser cleaner Software: WinMD Pro. It does the following tasks single handedly:

·         Cleaning the privacy risks
·         Speeding up the computer
·         Scanning, correcting and repairing registry
·         Defragmenting the disk

 If your system is giving you a hard time to get everything done, WinMD Pro is what you ideally need to nudge it to a better speed, performing as if it were newly purchased or have been formatted completely, wiping off everything on the hard drive.

The moment you download the software, its only aim is to enhance your experience with your PC by optimizing it to its best output. It only takes few minutes to get done with the tasks it is programmed to do. It has all the tools in-built that are needed to do the job of optimization of your system. And while it does that, you need not worry about your private / confidential / sensitive data.

What if the data you left on the Internet while browsing was also personal? Obviously, this is something everyone wants to be away from but end up getting trapped into. It could act as a gap of which ‘bad people / organization’ can make use of to get you hooked for the completely wrong cause.

They can install a spyware and follow whatever you do on your Internet through the browser. It could be the sites you visit, the files you download, the comments you leave, the accounts you log into, the people you contact, and the list can go on. Everything including this and more that you do on the Internet gets recorded on PC as in the form of browsing history, cache and cookies.

Don’t leave such gaps wide open for the uninvited lot and WinMD Pro, which is a browser cleaner for chrome and other popular browsers, can be a great app for that. Deleting your internet browsing history would be the first thing it would take care of, followed by cleaning the cache and cookies (which would effectively delete the data such files contain). The software thus has saved you from handing over your personal data so casually to the baddies of the virtual world.

Stay safe, browse safe and don’t let your computer decide as to with what speed it would work by simply installing and running WinMD Pro!

Friday, 20 June 2014

How to Deal with the Nuisance Called Junk Files?

What Junk Files are?

A computer uses many files at different point of time. Some of these files are not needed after the single use. These are then understood as junk for the system that is occupying space for no requirement at all. If you are wondering what all files are included as junk, consult the list given below:

·         Cached Thumbnail images of the sites that were visited before (the image in itself possess no real value)
·         Internet files that are important for the browsing session (and all sessions have some files generated)
·         Setup files of the programs that you once installed on your system (those files serve no purpose after that)
·         Internet browsing history

The list is not comprehensive but captures the essence as to what types can eat up the space.

Harm the junk files can cause

Just give a thought to the junk that gets stored in your house over a period of time. It does no harm lying in a corner where you rarely go, but then that corner is occupied for no good reason or cause. When that junk is removed, the corner can be used to showcase a beautiful vase with blooming Calendulas. Well, that might seem a bit of exaggeration, but the point is the junk on computer renders the space it is using as useless for any other purpose, unless it is deleted for good.

Removal of the junk files

Different kinds of junk files choose different locations to get stored on the system. Some choose to get into the C drive; others like to spread over all the drives in a non-homogeneous manner. Selecting a folder, then picking up and removing junk files one by one will become a tedious job to the extent of getting you frustrated.

Still, if you want to give it a try:

Cleanup hard drive memory by- Start Button>>Control Panel>>System and Security>> Free up Disk Space>> (Then choose the drive, as the disk utility opens up and click “OK”)

The next step is to open the internet browser you use for the browsing purpose. If it is Internet Explorer, follow the steps mentioned below:

Click Tools>>Internet Options>>General Tab>>Delete (In the Browsing History section)>>Check all the files you want to get clear.

If you are having a hard time in following the steps, you can download PC optimization software tools that are designed for such jobs like deleting junk files and more of such activities to make PC perform better without lagging in speed. 

Thursday, 19 June 2014

The Debate on the Use of Registry Cleaner Software: Know Before Participating!

Should we use registry cleaners or should we not?

The debate seems to be the never-ending one. Some people speak for the topic and some negate the arguments, staying against it.

To get the real picture and choose your side in the debate wisely, it is best to understand the way registry works. 

Registry- What is it?

It is a database, which is programmed to keep logging the activities which user does on its system, be it related to a hardware connected to it or a software installed or downloaded on it.

Along with this, the registry also stores you as well as the preferences of your applications, default and custom settings, and other information like that.

Registry follows a structure, with different levels to it. Hive is the top most level, containing keys having specific values (crucial data).

Why is registry important?

The importance of registry is due to the fact that the operating system as well as the software installed on the system depends on it for some of its functioning. The registry starts getting built from the day a system is purchased and the first file is created or an application is downloaded.

Not actually knowing  how everything works around registry can cause severe damage, if you are trying to clean it without thinking twice. Chances to make mistakes stand high when it comes to altering the structure, which happens when there is a cleaning process is on the way. Punching holes by deleting something crucial to the registry can create gaps that couldn’t be filled and your system will never be the same again.

DIY or Registry Cleaner software

Do-It-Yourself (or simply DIY) is a very serious option to be considered. Don’t even think of it if you are not qualified to do so. Even the wisest of the techies don’t want to meddle with the registry of their system. If they do, they create a backup of the system. If you are thinking about it, do it only under expert supervision or don’t do it at all.  

The registry cleaner software is taken as a safer mode to clean registry because of the restore point it creates while cleaning the unnecessary (broken, corrupted or missing) registry. Chances of going anything wrong are dim, but if it does happen, the user has the option to restore the previous settings of the registry (and hence of the system) through that restore point.  

Now you are ready to take sides in the debate!

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Make Slow System Run Faster with PC Optimization Software

The word “slow” doesn’t make any sense in the era when immediate gratification in what everyone targets on. However, there is no dearth of the instances when we have to come across the instance of slowness, one of which is system processing.

When your system starts responding slow, you must be thinking of junk files removal, you end up reacting in one of these ways (or may something that is peculiar to you):

·         Tapping fingers on the table in wait of the file to get open
·         Clicking the file to open and then go attend the recipe on the stove because it is going to take a while
·         Clicking one link, and then another, and then one more in hope to get at least one open while the others are still processing, which results into the message- “Internet Explorer (not responding)” 
We all have seen and done one or all of the above, but you should pick the other way and not to keep waiting.

What DIY System Cleaning includes?

If you are trying to prove the point that you are a techie, there are many Do-It-Yourself (DIY) tutorials on the Internet to optimize the system, with detailed steps. These would include-

·         Finding and deleting files that you don’t care for now
·         Locating all the duplicate files manually and sending them to the trash
·         Using a Windows utility of defragmantation
·         Cleaning registries that have become old, corrupt and gone missing
·         Cleaning cache and cookies left by the websites you have visited till date
·         Giving Internet browser a new start by cleaning the browsing history
·         Cleaning the folders where temporary files have piled up
·         Uninstalling the software and device drivers that are no more needed
·         Putting a stop on the software launch during the system startup

A file cleaner then, is it?

The tasks mentioned in the list above can be more than enough for you to accomplish in one sitting, you can choose to do it one by one, bit by bit. Even then if it gets overwhelming, you need an expert files cleaner, like WinMD Pro.

In the time when everything is performed either by machine or software, why take pressure and why not leave the job of PC optimizations to some very sophisticated software applications that are programmed to know what is to be kept and what is to be removed from a system which is full of junk files.

The software does everything in the list, and you are done in less than half an hour, depending upon how many files (that accumulated over a period of time) the cleaner requires to clean.

Just install, run and make your system faster again!

Friday, 13 June 2014

My computer has been slowing down and now it is not booting
 Oh what have I done?

That was what came to my mind when in the middle of the dark, uninteresting night my computer started giving me mysterious looks. My feeling was strong that it is not going to let me finish my job before the deadline of the project, which was the morning that was arriving fast. 

All my friends would be happily asleep when the clock was striking 2.45 AM. And I was hoping against hope, when I punched the number of the repair shop. It felt like a dead end. My extremely slow computer now was behaving even more sluggish. As I tried to reach the Internet to look for something that can help the slow computer problem, the screen went completely blank. 

By the looks of it, I concluded that I was hit by the Blue Screen of Death. 

My only hope now rested with my Tablet. I looked for the instructions to bring it back in the working condition, or some tech support to help me out of the situation. 

Some blogs told me that a slowdown in the response speed of computer can be a sign of multiple problems. The list could contain infection (by malware), overheating (due to the accumulation of dirt on the fans and vent) or a hard drive that is showing signs of wearing out. 

The blogs also told about some system optimization tools (I think one of them among them was WinMD Pro) that can keep system light by removing junk files, old and outdated registry, temporary files and things like that.  

But I was beyond that point to wonder. However, I made a mental note of them for any next time, if it is there. The system is not booting up, and that was serious. The only ray of hope was the backup stored in my cloud account. And another ray I found when I found a tech support company what provided service 24X7.
I called them up. They gave instructions that temporarily revived my system, but the experts instructed me to clean slow computer routinely to avoid sudden issues like these. Thanks to the cleaning, I was able to finish my project on time (even when I was dead tired due to the stress caused by the system ‘blue out’). 

Now, I suggest every PC user to use such tools, so that they don’t have to face what I did.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Are registry cleaners worth it

If you are thinking of optimizing your PC, starting by fixing the registry error, the first thing that you must be looking for is registry cleaner software. Due to a popular and much publicized view, such software tools are known to-

·         Fix broken registry
·         Repair the corrupted ones
·         Delete the extremely old ones

And before everything mentioned above could be done, the cleaner is known to prepare a report of all the problematic registry so that the user could decide as to which registry should undergo which process (among the three mentioned above).

What are registry and why people think them as problematic?

Registry in itself is a huge database of the activities user does on his system since the day his system was started to be used. These can be sensitive because they contain a lot of data, some of which is required by the OS to function properly. It should not be thus tampered with if the user has no info or experience on the same. If he is trying to do so, he should make it a point that an experienced techie is nearby him to watch over every step he takes.

The sensitivity is one thing that make registry look like problematic. Others on the list include size (the accumulation of different registry) and age (the time period between the two clean up).

When is the Registry Cleaner most effective?

Well, many people who have suffered from a sluggish PC would vouch for the performance boost the registry cleaner can give to a system. However, it was observed that this was the case when these users have never ever tried to look to the issues that bugged their system, until a point came when they would not work the way they used to.

So it could be safely concluded that those who keep on optimizing their system every now and then should expect no or very little improvement in the current speed of their system. However, if you want to remain on safer side, routine cleaning of the unwanted registry would do no harm. The only thing to remember here is to employ a well known PC optimizer tool like WinMD Pro. Else, chances are that you delete some important registry that was important for your OS to run properly.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Undertaking the Task of Cleaning Files by WinMD Pro!

File cleaning…why?

With your computer, you had a great time, until now. Now it has creating problems because you don’t have the heart to delete old files. You allow them to pile up, not deleting even the ones that you know for sure are not meant for any kind of reuse.

Alas, with all the good things you do to your files, you also need to act decisively and do the bad part. You need to delete the files (you ones created or received) that are taking up your precious space where you could have been doing something else which is far more productive than allowing the unwanted files to sit there for nothing.

Now that I have convinced you to act in this direction, your first step to be able to do this is to make up your mind about that. You can do that by just figuring out as to what all you would be able to do with that freed up space; this can give just the boost you were looking for.

Then comes the real task. You can do the erasing of files by three ways:

1.       Manually cleaning the files one by one
2.       Using Disk Cleanup Utility of the Windows
3.       Employing sophisticated files cleaner tools like WinMD Pro

When it comes to manual deletion, you need to sort every drive on the system. To hunt down what is important and what is not can be really tedious when it has been done since you purchase the system. The herculean task is going to take a lot of time and efforts. Some files must be small but others can be big. All the best if you really intend to do so, and want to get to the end of the process, successfully!

If you are not very happy to think about that, your next option is go online and read up the instruction of using the Disk Clean up utility of the Windows step by step. Trust me, it is not very tedious, (not even half of what you were thinking to try with the first one). Remove temporary files and a variety of system files and empty the Recycle Bin, in one go (consisting of several steps). But it can leave few files (and some larger ones) from deleting for one reason or the other. To deal with such issue and for a more in-depth cleaning, read on.

Download and install WinMD Pro. Use it as-

·         Large files cleaner
·         Registry cleaner
·         App cleaner
·         Temporary files /  junk files cleaner
·         Browsing history cleaner
·         And a complete PC optimizer

Get going, would you now?